Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 23, 2012

Here is another poem I wrote.

“Tears in Gethsemane”
(c) 2007 Joyously Saved

The whisper of the angels' wings are carried on the breeze,
The Holy Spirit gently sings between the garden trees,
The men who sleep beyond the gate are deaf to Jesus’ prayer,
They do not have the knowledge that their Savior suffers there.

The Savior kneels with heavy heart and knows His life will end,
He knows that fate will triumph through betrayal by a friend,
In all His pain He does not doubt the Father's perfect plan,
But looks for peace among the trees, that great and tender Man.

His eyes look sadly on His friends; oblivious they lie,
They still cannot imagine in what way their Lord will die,
He pleads with His disciples, warns them not to laze around,
But then returns once more to find them sleeping on the ground.

The whispers are now silent as the angels wait above,
They know their blessed Savior will give up His life for love,
Then Judas gives the deadly kiss, his heart set to betray,
Lord Jesus is the calming force; disciplines join the fray.

No malice does He harbor, no revenge grows in His heart,
He knows He is no common man but has been set apart,
To save His Father's blessed sheep from evil in the flock,
The world is tossed upon the sea but Jesus is the rock.

Without remorse they taunt and mock the Savior in His pain,
The tears of His disciples coat the barren earth like rain,
The ragged cross is lifted high on bleak Golgotha’s face,
The Son of God and Son of man surveys the human race.

Those born and all those yet to come, He thinks upon with love,
His blood rains down – a blessing from the Sovereign Lord above,
All inhumanity Christ bears without a brutal word,
He dies within the first day but He rises on the third.

(c) 2012 Joyously Saved

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