Saturday, August 11, 2012

August 11, 2012

**I greatly apologize for the missed day; I had no Internet connection and was unable to get a post out. That, however, did not hinder my ability to write and ponder :-)**

Lately I have been thinking about the Puritans. What is the truth about the Puritans of old? Should we lament their strictness or bless their efforts? Should we look askance at their uncompromising punishments or praise their faithfulness? On the one hand, we wonder if they were really *that* strict and if they were the somber black-clothed elders they were accused of being. On the other hand, however, it is obvious from their writings that they truly loved God and had every intention of furthering His work. I think one must take propaganda concerning the Puritans with a grain of salt. Some is likely true. Some is likely false. Whatever the “real deal,” the Puritans were knowledgeable in Scripture and wrote some beautiful poetry based on God’s truths. Today I am picking another random poem from the book “The Valley of Vision” by Arthur Bennett.


Giver of all good,
Streams upon streams of love overflow my path.
Thou hast made me out of nothing,
       hast recalled me from a far country,
       hast translated me from ignorance to knowledge,
                from darkness to light,
                from death to life,
                from misery to peace,
                from folly to wisdom,
                from error to truth,
                from sin to victory.
Thanks be to thee for my high and holy calling.
I bless thee for ministering angels,
          for the comfort of thy Word,
          for the ordinances of thy church,
          for the teaching of thy Spirit,
          for thy holy sacraments,
          for the communion of saints,
          for Christian fellowship,
          for the recorded annals of holy lives,
          for examples sweet to allure,
          for beacons sad to deter.
Thy will is in all thy provisions
       to enable me to grow in grace,
          and to be meet for thy eternal presence.
My heaven-born faith gives promise of eternal sight,
      my new birth a pledge of never-ending life.
I draw near to thee, knowing thou wilt draw near to me.
I ask of thee, believing thou hast already given.
I entrust myself to thee, for thou hast redeemed me.
I bless and adore thee, the eternal God,
     for the comfort of these thoughts,
       the joy of these hopes.   

(c) 2012 Joyously Saved 

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